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18500+ happy customers

Proudly made in Europe

18500+ happy customers

Say goodbye to hot flashes and weight gain by balancing your hormones

11 ingredients backed by science

Recommended by gynecologists

Supports weight loss through hormones

Reduces hot flashes

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Discover why women choose Ecolady.


Made with 100% natural ingredients.

Proven safe and without side effects.

Recommended by gynecologists.

60-day money-back guarantee.

More than 6,500 satisfied users.

Get answers to your questions

Get answers to your questions

Can this also be used during perimenopause?

Yes, Ecolady is also designed for use during perimenopause.

Are all the ingredients safe?

Yes, all our ingredients are natural and safe.

We use the highest quality ingredients.

How does it help me during menopause?

We use natural ingredients whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven.

What is the difference between menopause and perimenopause?

Perimenopause is the transition period to menopause, which can begin as early as your thirties.


Menopause is when you have not had a period for twelve months.

How soon will I see results?

Results may vary from person to person, but most women notice changes within 4-6 weeks.


Some symptoms, such as hot flashes and mood swings, may subside sooner.


Continued daily use has a more lasting effect. For best results, a healthy lifestyle is also recommended.

How often should I use it?

There are 60 capsules in one jar. We recommend taking 2 capsules after dinner.

How fast is the delivery?

Delivery takes 1 to 5 business days.

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